I used to work as a lecturer at Chernihiv Polytechnic University in 1990-2010.

Then, the next 14 years I worked as software developer and, from time to time, as engineering manager, team lead, and so on, in many interesting projects.

Now I work at great international open source company Percona, developing internals of MySQL server. I work together with many my former students here, and I’m proud, that so many of my students are so good that they were hired by Percona.

Well, another one my good former student (she is the head of computer engineering department) asked me to join the great Polytech team again and give series of lectures on the “Distributed systems” subject.

It is unexpected for me, that I agreed. :)

The lectures are structured in 3 blocks: Basics of distributed systems, basics of practical cryptography, and blockchain. There are 12 lectures and 8 practical classes.

So… congratulate me and welcome!